Things keep happening

On a few occasions, I’ve seen a meme saying something like “Adult life is just saying ‘But after this week things will hopefully calm down a bit’ until you die”, and honestly, that’s been my life to a T since I wrote my last blog post. I’ve had lots of stuff to do over the last few weeks, and most of it has been fun. That said, every time I think things have calmed down, something new has inevitably turned up. It’s been a relief to have two days where the only important things I’ve had to do outside of work have been sending a few emails.

Things are a bit stressful at the moment. I’m in charge of an event next week, and I always worry too much about things, so part of me is worried it’ll be a complete disaster. Realistically, however, I think things will go well, and I have some great people helping me out. Disaster or success, I’m looking forward to having it over with. I recently handled another event that the attendees loved, but turned out to be far more intense for us organizers than I had thought. That said, I learned from it, and overall, I’m happy with my work.

Things are gonna calm down on that front after next week. At least for a few months. Despite everything happening at once sometimes, I am overall pretty happy with how my life is at the moment, even though I’m hoping for a break soon. Here are a few bullet points of fun stuff from the last few weeks.
