Alexander Rehnman
I do stuff occasionally
Category: Personal
Things keep happening – 02 October 2024
On a few occasions, I’ve seen a meme saying something like “Adult life is just saying ‘But after this week things will hopefully calm down a bit’ until you die”, and honestly, that’s been my life to a T since I wrote my last blog post. I’ve had lots of stuff to do over the last few weeks, and most of it has been fun. That said, every time I think things have calmed down, something new has inevitably turned up. It’s been a relief to have two days where the only important things I’ve had to do outside of work have been sending a few emails.
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Fixing up the apartment: Part 1 of many – 20 August 2024
I’ve been living in this apartment for around three and a half years by now – and I still think that’s kind of crazy to think about. For better or for worse, it feels like time is passing faster and faster, and I don’t think Made in Heaven is involved – it’s likely just a side effect of getting older and busier. Then again, when I think back on all that’s happened over those years, it makes more sense. They’ve been quite eventful, after all. This is also the only apartment I’ve lived two years or longer in since I moved out of my childhood home. I lived in my first “apartment” (which was just a bedroom and bathroom I rented in an old couple’s larger apartment, but it was nice) for pretty much exactly a year, and then I had two student apartments where I lived for one year and nine months and one year and ten months, respectively.
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Vacation's end – 10 August 2024
My three-week vacation is almost at its end, and I’m going back to work on Monday. Of course, I do feel a bit sad about it, just like I often do on Sunday evenings, or on the final day of summer vacation when I was younger. That said, I don’t dread it that much. I do like my job, even if some projects are less fun than others, and for the last few months, I’ve been working on a very fun project. I hope I’ll get to tell you all about it later, but the world of game translation is a strange place.
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